Dr. Benedict Nwachukwu was recently featured in ABC News
The Story follows Peleton Trainer, Kirsten Furguson, a full time mom of 2 and a professional trainer. She said she went out for a long run one day and ended up having to drag herself home. She decided it was time to see an Orthopedic Hip Specialist about her worsening hip pain.
Dr. Nwachukwu saw Kirsten and gave her options to manage her hip pain through PT, or to surgically fix her torn hip labrum (found in MRI imaging.)
Kirsten opted to have the labrum repaired. Dr. Nwachukwu did the surgery arthroscopically, using small incisions and a specialized camera to see inside the hip joint. He was able to secure the labrum back to the bone with suture anchors. Further, Dr. Nwachukwu performed a femoroplasty, a procedure that reshapes the femoral head and removes hip impingement (the cause of the torn labrum.) Femoroplasty removes hip impingement, which helps hip preservation and the chances of a retear.
Kirsten began PT right away with physical therapist, Snehal Patel, at HSS (Hospital for Special Surgery). She was so determined and worked so hard, she decided to do the 2024 United Airlines NYC 1/2 marathon. Physical Therapy continued, and with permission from Dr. Nwachukwu and physical therapist, Patel, she decided to run the TCS New York City Marathon.
Congratulations to Kirsten on her full recovery!
*Special thanks to Kirsten, ABC, and HSS.
You can see the full story below.