As an athlete most of my life, aches and pains were pretty normal, but in my early 20s I encountered a new pain in my hips that sidelined me from running consistently for almost 10 years. I tried countless rounds of PT, received incorrect diagnoses such as it just being muscular tightness to a possible hip fracture, and nothing ever really helped so I kind of assumed this pain would be my new normal. In the Summer of 2020 through that Fall, I had my longest span of running with limited pain, however of course it eventually returned. I was so frustrated and desperate to find an answer. While searching for every hip condition on the internet I stumbled upon an article written by Dr. Nwachukwu about hip preservation and I decided I had to make an appointment to meet with him. Within 3 minutes of meeting him, he had given me an answer I had been searching for for almost 10 years. He explained my conditions and all my options, and a few weeks later I had my first of two hip arthroscopies. At my first post-op we decided to schedule the next surgery 5 1/2 weeks later and while nervous to do back-to-back surgeries, I knew what amazing hands I was in. After two femoroplastys and two labral repairs I am now 7 and 8 months out of both surgeries and I am running my fastest times ever with no more aching groin pain which is absolutely amazing. I cannot thank Dr. Nwachukwu enough!
– Emily Glazer, Long Beach, NY