Hip Mobility: Quadruped Series

In this video, Dr. Nwachukwu focuses on the mobility of the hip in his quadruped series.

Hip mobility is essential to the proper full functioning of the hip joint. Some of his favorite exercises and stretches include:

  • Fire hydrants
  • Controlled 360 circles
  • Controlled 360 circles reverse
  • Side-lying hip openers
  • Hip internal and external rotation
  • Side-lying ½ elevated hip openers

Mobility training can improve the range of motion of our joints and muscles. It can assist in improving our posture. Mobility training can alleviate ‘everyday’ aches and pains as well as improve our body awareness. Think of mobility as the range of uninhibited motion around the joint. A good level of mobility allows a person to perform movements without restriction, while a person with good flexibility may not have the strength, coordination, or balance to execute the same movement.

Quadruped Exercises are great for alleviating the symptoms of the following conditions:

Hip Labrum Tear and

Femoroacetabular Impingement