ACL Research

ACL Injury| Anterior Cruciate Ligament| Orthopedic Knee Specialist

The knee is comprised of four major ligaments that make up the knee joint complex as well as stabilize the knee. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) prevents the tibia from sliding forward off of the femur as well as hyperextension of the knee. When this ligament is stretched beyond its normal range, the tibia slips out from underneath the femur resulting in ACL injury. While not all ACL injuries require surgery, the severity of the symptoms may determine surgery is necessary. Dr. Benedict Nwachukwu has extensive experience in treating ACL injuries as well as other knee ligament injuries.

Patient Education:  ACL Injury

Procedure length is independently associated with overnight hospital stay and 30-day readmission following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

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How Much Do Psychological Factors Affect Lack of Return to Play After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction? A Systematic Review.

Categories: Knee Studies, Research|Tags: |

Preoperative Short Form Health Survey Score Is Predictive of Return to Play and Minimal Clinically Important Difference at a Minimum 2-Year Follow-up After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

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Return to play and performance after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in the National Basketball Association: surgeon case series and literature review.

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Comparison of Lateral Closing-Wedge Versus Medial Opening-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy on Knee Joint Alignment and Kinematics in the ACL-Deficient Knee.

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